Personal Statement & Resume Review
Free Service

ACNAA offers expert assistance with personal statements and resume reviews to help you standout. Our reviewed committee is made up of experienced CRNAs who have volunteered their time to provide detailed feedback on your documents, ensuring that these documents effectively highlight your academic strengths and professional achievements.
By participating in these review sessions, you will receive personalized tips on how to stand out as a competitive applicant and captivate the admission committee. Enhance your chances of getting into a CRNA program with a polished personal statement and a professional resume.
Submit your documents by clicking the button below and take a step toward achieving your career goals.
- Resume and personal statement submission can be done every other month.
- Submission will open on the first of each month and close on the 10th at 11:59 PM CST. (February, April, June, August, October, & December).
- Before submitting your documents, we highly encourage you to do the following :
- Attend ACNAA’s quarterly Q&A sessions on resume building and personal statement writing.
- Utilize the writing of personal statements and building resume tip sheets provided under the Education Resources section (interview best practices)
- Send an introductory email with your documents.
- Include the program (s) you planned on applying to
- Provide the application deadline
- Include the personal statement requirement (if it is a response to specific questions format)
- Reviewed resume and personal statement are returned at the end of the month they were submitted.
- Due to the high volume of applicants, ACNAA accepts only one resume and personal statement per applicant within a year.
- Documents should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Doc.
- We encourage all applicants to plan ahead. Submit the document you want to be reviewed at least 2 months prior to your application deadline.

Agbor Enow, DNP, CRNA
Review Member
ACNAA Resume Committee

Nkam Mongwa, MBA, MSN, CRNA
Review Member
ACNAA Resume Committee

Maria Arrey, DNAP, CRNA
Review Member
ACNAA Resume Committee

Kevine Sihon, BSN, RN, SRNA
Review Member
ACNAA Resume Committee

Gilbert Bangha, DNAP, MPH, CRNA
Review Member
ACNAA Resume Committee

Michael Agbor, DNP, MSN.Ed, CRNA
Review Member
ACNAA Resume Committee